Joy purchased the canvas for this painting as a whim at an Art Guild fundraising auction. Since it was so tall and skinny she decided to paint over the original image and paint a figure on it, and here is Bob Hinves another teaser and joker looking after it very carefully. Other members of the guild had their kick at the cat with names like Lady Godiva, and comments about the skillful placement of the foliage. From the more formal critique and comments approach one can consider that painting a full scale nude is not an easy or simple task. It takes a great deal of skill and perseverance and my own impression is that Joy succeeded in this difficult placement in the frame, and a naturally posed figure, modelled with knowledge and perception. Knowledge of anatomy is a significant part of the process and most people have trouble drawing anything more than a stick figure!

Joy MacFadyen
a full scale nude is not an easy or simple task
Date?Techniqueoil on canvasDimensions? x ?photo creditJoy MacFadyenShare