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Pentavisions Couleurs D'Ailleurs

October 27, 2022 - January 15, 2023

Previously hosted in the Château de Grouchy in Osny, Paris, France, and now showing exclusively at the Helson Gallery, Town of Halton Hills. This exhibition combines the work of five Canadian and five French watercolour artists.

It is always interesting to view work in a somewhat comparative manner. Viewing one piece is always a pleasant intellectual experience, and that is, at least in part, why we visit galleries to view what our artists have to say. In this exhibition, viewers get to view works from another country (and continent) that are painting in a contemporary way and expressing their visions for us and their own French viewing public. It is not, in any way, a competition, but the combined exhibition gives food for thought.

Online Show

Physical Show is currently on view in the Helson Gallery until January 15, 2023.