Bab’s Currie’s grandchild, one of three painted by Joy for her friend. Joy reckoned his wish now he is older would be that he had been painted with smaller ears. Ears often look a bit out of place on young children but we don’t notice that much as we get older and as Joy said “all the better to hear you with my dear”. This is a pretty straightforward piece with recognition likely being the trump card. He does look mighty fine, and the bright colours carefully placed design-wise contribute completely to that boyish part of that particular age. He may have been a trifle self-conscious about it himself, but his mum and dad would have declared it to be perfect. My good friend has a portrait on his office wall which was rendered 75 years ago and will, like this one, stay in the family for a lot longer, maybe centuries.

Joy MacFadyen
stay in the family for centuries
Date?TechniqueOil on masonite boardDimensions? x ?photo creditJoy MacFadyenShare