Here’s Eddy, Joy’s brother, in one of their visits to the seaside to celebrate her visits to South Africa. One wonders about birds as visitors to your own life. People don’t talk about those mystical and inexplicable occurrences for fear that others will think they are personally “off their rocker,” but bird visits and other weird happenings are often envisioned as some kind of message from the great beyond or maybe a loved one. You never get an answer to these questions that happen to many people, and one wonders in this portrait why the bird came to visit her dear brother Eddy. Joy named it “Curiosity”, but there is obviously a connection there that appears to be a little more than that. Who knows? Eddy looks great. Is the brick wall a line between Eddy and the Neverland? Did Joy intend that?

Joy MacFadyen
Eddy, Joy’s brother, in one of their visits to the seaside;
DateunknownTechniqueOil on canvasDimensions24" x 36"photo creditPeter MarshShare