People’s vision glasses need some soap and a squeegee when imagining the possibility of a substantial art gallery. I, for one, am convinced that even if you can clean the vision specs and can muster a truly original and creative plan for such a piece…
Equity dilemmas go all the way back to Solomon and illustrate that decisions about this issue are not always easy to make where practicalities of daily living are concerned. This roadway leads us to education for The Arts and the involved practicalities of administering them.
a landmark collection that are now noted for posterity
Joy MacFadyen was a prominent leader, and often president and executive leader, for The Art Guild of Scarborough for decades
Sooner or Later
Its real name, corporate name, despite its more endearing moniker “Gallery X”, is, “The Existential Art gallery of Scarborough”. So far, it’s a virtual gallery rather than something concrete, and, we are very proud of the exhibitions we have mounted so far,…
I’m just going to ramble on about my sketchbook. Perhaps the first thing I think about is a long-time acquaintance, David, who has apparently, a mountain of sketchbooks, because he draws in his sketchbook everyday. Imaginary work of great design and inventiveness, containing figures and flowers…
Reality has been questioned by physics and philosophy throughout the ages. “I think therefor I am” is perhaps the most notorious philosophical phrase thrown around in that regard and has many hilarious interpretive phrases as in “I shop therefore I am” and so on.
“World of Threads Festival” which could indeed mend the heart of many people with its outstanding expression and craftsmanship in Fibre Arts and Textiles